Multifunctional Thermocycler
LTC100 is a thermocycler designed to simulate the temperature changes to which the
dental materials are subjected in the oral cavity (composite, resin, ceramic, etc.).
The equipment is provided with two large thermostated tanks and one mobile wire
basket which dips the samples in one tank and the other alternatively.
The cycle execution can be accurately
tuned through the graphic software designed for Windows XP platform.
A simulation cycle is built as a sequence of one or more profiles, each one can
be repeated once or more. A profile defines all the conditions in which the thermal
changes occurs.
exclusive automatic tanks covering system reduces the liquid evaporation while working,
and furthermore, the liquid level in the tanks is automatically maintained constant
thanks to the liquid level sensors and to the reservoir tank.
The installation is simple and immediate. To work, the LTC100 needs only to be connected
to the main supply and to the PC by the USB port.